Prof. Raj Mohan B. receives the prestigious Professor Satish Dhawan Young Engineer State Award 2021.
Prof. Vidya Shetty receives the prestigious Professor Satish Dhawan young engineer award from The Chief Minister of the Karnataka at IISc in presence of Professor C.N.R. Rao
Taro technology developed by Prof. Prasanna B. D, has been transferred to nGV Natural Industry Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.
Prof. Prasanna Belur. D has been conferred with the "Award for outstanding research publication for the year 2022-23" by Vision Group for Science & Technology (VGST), Govt. of Karnataka. The VGST is chaired by Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R.Rao
Prof. Prasanna B.D had received prestigious Khorana Fellowship from DBT, Govt. of India for two weeks training program at University of Wisconsin Madison, USA in 2023.
Dr. S. Gangamma had received prestigious European Respiratory Society short term fellowship in 2017, Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University, London.
Dr. S. Gangamma had published a single author paper in “The Lancet” (IF: 168)
Ms. Deeksha Mathew and Prof. Vidya Shetty have been selected as the recipients of the prestigious IIChE Awards for the year 2023 for the paper titled "Visible light irradiated photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using hybrid polyaniline/CuO nanocomposite in aqueous system”
Dr. Sanjith S. Anchan (PhD. Scholar), guided by Dr. Chinta Sankar Rao, earned the Best Oral Presentation in Process Control at ChemEEE 2024 organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIPE Vishakhapatnam.
- Chetan M, Shivani R.J, Preethi, Deekshitha, Anjali.S Pawar, Thanush Shetty and Prof. Vidya Shetty K are awarded with the Best Paper award for the paper "Bio-chemo sequential synthesis of silver oxide nanoparticles embedded in TiO2 shell (BioAg2O@TiO2): A visible light active photocatalyst for dye degradation" presented at IIChE-CHEMCON-2023 held at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata during 27-30 December,2023.
- Prof. Vidya Shetty K. and Ms.Deeksha Mathew, M.Tech (Research) student received “Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers -SISIR Kumar Mitra Memorial Award for the Second Best Technical Paper published in Indian Chemical Engineer during the year 2022” on 27th December 2023 during the Inaugural session of IIChE-CHEMCON-2023 held at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata.
- R Raghavendra (191CH036) & Rugved Pande (191CH043) of Final Year B.Tech, Chemical Engineering Department, have secured All India Rank 5 and 116, respectively in GATE 2023
- Ms. Megha Gupta (M.Tech IBT: Roll No. 222IB018) got selected for prestigious " Khorana Program for Scholars". This program is supported by DBT, Govt. of India.
- Mr. Bharath.D (B.Tech.- 2017-21 batch) secured All India 17th Rank in the GATE 2021.
- Mr. Abdul Basith Ashraf (171CH001), a graduate of B.Tech Chemical Engineering (2021 pass out batch) published a paper in high impact factor journal (IF: 3.845): Abdul Basith Ashraf and Chinta Sankar Rao, Multiobjective temperature trajectory optimization for unseeded batch cooling crystallization of aspirin, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 160, 107704, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107704.
- Mr. Bharath Desikan (171CH011) and Mr. Pranav Krshnan (171CH033), a graduate of B.Tech Chemical Engineering (2021 pass out batch) published a paper in high impact factor journal (IF: 5.876): Bharat Desikan, Pranav Krishna, Chinta Sankar Rao, Simultaneous separation of ternary mixture using modified dual compression middle vessel batch distillation column: control and dynamic optimization, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 131, 104206, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2022.104206.
- Ms. Ishita Goyal (181CH017) and Ms. Supritha (181CH043), a graduate of B.Tech Chemical Engineering (2022 pass out batch) published a paper in Chemical Engineering and Technology journal (IF: 1.728): Ishita Goyal, Supreetha Reddy R, Chinta Sankar Rao, A Simple Method to Design a Decoupler for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Chemical Engineering Technology, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/ceat.202100467
Mr. Pranav Krshnan (171CH033) and Mr. Bharath Desikan (171CH011), a graduate of B.Tech Chemical Engineering (2021 pass out batch) published a paper in high impact factor journal (IF: 3.739): Pranav Krishna, Bharat Desikan, Chinta Sankar Rao, Control and Dynamic Optimization of Middle Vessel Batch Distillation Column for the Separation of Ethanol/Propanol/Butanol Mixture, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 176, 267-278, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2021.10.002
- Mrs Irfana Shajahan received Young Scholar Award at International Conference of Electrochemistry, 2020, India.
Final-year B.Tech students (Raksha Rao, Keerthana Kamath, and Priyanka R) working under Dr. Hari Prasad Dasari, have been awarded Best Paper Award for the paper presented in 11th International Exergy, Energy, and Environment Symposium (IEEES-11) held during July 14-18, 2019 conducted by SRM University, Chennai.
- Ms. Chavi Singal (13CH15) is selected for International Summer University Program jointly organized between Beijing Institute of Technology China, School of Business and Engineering Switzerland and NITK Surathkal India.
- Ms. Anjana Thimmaiah (13CH09) was awarded prestigious MITACS Global link as well as DAAD fellowship to pursue sponsored research internships between May 2016 to August 2016 in Canada and Germany, respectively.
- Ms. Krathika Bhat (13CH22) was awarded prestigious MITACS Global link as well as DAAD fellowship to pursue sponsored research internships between May 2016 to August 2016 in Canada and Germany, respectively.
- Mr. Akshay Gowda (12CH06) co-authored a paper in a high impact (3.6) Elsevier Journal, titled, Composites Science and Technology. The title of the papr is, In-situ synthesized poly(vinyl butyral)/MMT-clay nanocomposites: The role of degree of acetalization and clay content on thermal, mechanical and permeability properties of PVB matrix.
Mr. Srajan Shetty (13CH46) and Mr. Dharmanand Acharya (13CH18) won first and second prize, respectively, in Dr. P. K. Karanth Memorial quiz competition organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Mangalore Chapter. The quiz was organized on 30th October 2015, in Department of Chemical Engineering, at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
- Mr. Jothivanan Elumalai (15IB08) was awarded the best innovative student project award by Indian National Academy of Engineering. Mr. Jothivanan developed, DyAgram (Beta) - A Unique DNA Based Ink and Hologram for Authentication Security.
- Mr. Aprameya G. (12CH11) was awarded IAS Fellowship 2014 between May to July 2014. He is also awarded S. N. Bose Scholarship between May to July 2015. He is selected for DAAD and MITACS 2015 scholarship to pursue research project in Germany and canada Respectively.
- Ms. Parvathi Nayar (12CH44) is awarded MITACS Research internship to pursue research project at Quebec, Canada.
- Mr. Akshay Gowda (12CH06) was awarded IISc internship in 2014, He presented one paper in International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials 2015, held at IISC, Bangalore. He also published a paper titled “ insights into optical and antibacterial properties of PbSe quantum rods”, in Journal of Saudi Chemical Society in year 2015.
- Ms. Aarti Arora (12CH01) is awarded an internship at ExxonMobil India between May to July 2015.
- Mr .Sujith Nayak (12CH46) is awarded internship at HIKAL, Ltd, Bangalore between May to July 2015.
- Ms. Madhusmita Halder (12CH30) is awarded internship at HKAL Ltd., Bangalore between May to July 2015. She also secured second palce in eastern group dance competition held at IIM Bangalore in Janaury 2015.
- Mr .Sameer Kumar (12CH41) is awarded internship at ANDRITZ AUTOMATION in bangalroe between May to July 2015.
- Ms. Chandu Sneha (12CH28) presented a paper ina technical conference Chemignite-2014 held at M.I.T., Manipal
- Mr. Anmol Agrawal (12CH09) presented a paper ina technical conference Chemignite-2014 held at M.I.T., Manipal
- Ms. Nivedita (12CH49) presented a paper in technical fest CHEMTECH-2015 held at U.D.C.T., Mumbai
- Mr. Afzal Hussain (10CH50), a recent graduate of B. Tech. Chemical Engineering published a paper in high impact factor journal
· Afzal Hussain who was a student during 2010-2014 in B.Tech Chemical |Engineering programme has coauthored a paper entitled “Ionic liquid-salt based aqueous biphasic system for separation of 109Cd from silver target”, which is published in the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Springer), based on his research work during student internship. Link to the article, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10967-014-3412-7
Ms. Shankramma K, a full time research scholar, Participated and presented a paper in 9th Kannada Vignana Sammelana held at University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot and won Women Scientist Award, organized by Karnataka Science Congress, Banglore.2013
Mr. GibranAhmed Khan (11CH14), final year of B.Tech Chemical Engineering student is a S N Bose Scholar-2014
· A final year of B.Tech Chemical Engineering student GIBRAN AHMED KHAN has been awarded the Prestigeous fellowship under SN Bose Scholars Program 2014 for summer internship at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor under the mentorship of Dr Nicholas Kotov during June-July 2014,on the topic LBL assembly of nanoparticles and self-assembly of nanoparticles
Ms. Jahnvi Kantaraju (11CH18), final year of B.Tech Chemical Engineering student is a Mitacs scholar-2014: Jahnvi Kantaraju, final year B.Tech Chemical Engineering student has been awarded Prestigeous fellowship under Mitacs Globalink Internship Program 2014 at University of British Columbia for internship under the mentorship of Dr. Daan Maijer during May to July on the topic “Mathematical modelling and experimental study of fluid flow during gravity casting’.
Ms. Spandhana Gonuguntla (10CH44), a recent graduate of B.Tech Chemical |Engineering published a paper in high impact factor journal: Spandhana Gonuguntla who was a student during 2010-2014 in B.Tech Chemical |Engineering programme has coauthored a paper entitled “Effect of Amide Bonds on the Self-assembly of Gemini Surfactants”, which is accepted for publication in the Journal Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys (Royal Society of Chemistry) with impact factor 3.829, based on her research work during student internship. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/cp/c3cp55244f#!divAbstract
Ms. Aarthi Makkada (11CH01) was awarded wit the certificate of best project during summer internship at Godrej Industries between May to July 2014.
2013 (January to December)
- Mr. Anmol Agarwal (12CH09), Mr. N. Subhash Bhat (12CH33) and Mr. Srisandeep Adiga (12CH45) secured first position in Industry Defined Problem during VORTEX 2013 held at Institute of Chemical technology, Mumbai in October 2013.
- Mr. Aniket Mule (10CH54) was awarded Research Initiative Internship from National University of Singapore between May to July 2013.
- Mr. Achint Sanghi (10CH02) was awarded Internship at University of Salerno, Italy between May to July 2013.
- Ms. Anindita Ravikumar (10CH08) was awarded prestigious research fellowship from Indian Academy of sciences to carry out research project at Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, during May to July 2013.
- Mr. Praveen P. Suvarna (11CH34) was awarded prestigious research fellowship from Indian Academy of Sciences t ocarry out research project at Natioanl Centre for Cell Science, Pune, between May to July 2013.
- Mr. Afzal hussain (10CH50) was awarded prestigious research fellowship from Indian Academy of Sciences to carry out project at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India between May -July 2013.
- Ms. Ramya Anand (10CH36) was awarded Summer Research Fellowship from Indian Academy of Sciences between May to July 2012.