Sustainable Technologies (CH834)
M.Tech (EST)
Elective Courses (Ele)
Credits (L-T-P):
03 (3-0-0)
Environmental implications of fossil fuels, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and land degradation. Renewable energy technologies, solar, wind, biomass, hydro etc. Biological conversion techniques and devices for Bioenergy. Socio-Environmental and Economic Implications. Integrated (systemic) Sustainability Assessment, Modelling and Fore-casting; Integrated Life-Cycle Studies; Identification and Selection of Appropriate Design/Technologies.
Renewable Energy - Sources for fuels and electricity: Eds. Johansson T B, Kelly H, Reddy AKN and Williams, RH, Island Press, 1993.
Solar energy - Fundamentals and Applications, H P Garg and J P Prakash, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1997.
Boyle G, Renewable Energy Power for a sustainable Future, Oxford Univ Press, 1996
Cassidy E and P Grossman, Introduction to Energy Resources, Cambridge Univ Press, 1998
Bell, Simon and Stephen Morse (1998) Sustainability Indicators: Measuring the immeasurable; Earthscan, London.
Chemical Engineering