Dr. Raj Mohan B
Date of Birth : 9th May 1976
Contact Details : Professor,
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025.
Telephone : 0824 2473605 (O)
: 0824 2474605 (R)
: +91 9739939986 (Mobile)
Email : rajmohanbala[at]gmail.com
: rajmohan.che[at]nitk.edu.in
Academic Qualification:
B. Tech [Chemical Engg] : VIT - Madras University (1994-1998)
M. Tech [IPC] : NITK - Surathkal Mangalore University (1998-2000)
Ph.D : IIT-Kharagpur (2005 - 2008)
Academic Experience : Lecturer, (2000 - 2006)
: Senior Lecturer (2006 – 2008)
: Assistant Professor (2008 – 2011)
: Associate Professor (2011 – May 2018)
: Professor (2018 – Till Date)
Member of Professional Societies: Life Member in IIChE [LM 31468]
Life Member in ISTE [LM 33892]
Life Member in International Association of Zoologists
Areas of specialization: Industrial Pollution Control
Current areas of research: Air pollution Control and Abatement, Separation Technologies, Waste water treatment and quality monitoring, Biosynthesis of bioactive molecules, pigments and nanoparticles
Subjects Taught in NITK
1. Chemical Engineering thermodynamics
2. Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer
3. Chemical Process Optimization
4. Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Systems
5. Environmental Impact Assessment
6. Solid Waste Management
7. Air Pollution Control Equipment Design
List of publications:
International Journal – 84, National – 03, International Conferences – 27.
(A) Journal papers
List of publications:
(A) International Journal papers
1. Vrushali Vinayak Kadam, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Jagadeeshbabu Ponnan Ettiyappan, Nithya Sarah Thomas, Shaun Aaron D, Souza Subin Parappa (2021). Sensing of p-nitrophenol in aqueous solution using zinc oxide quantum dots coated with APTES. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management. doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm. 2021.100474
2. Giang Minh Hoang, Wannapawn Watsuntorn, Warawut Chulalaksananukul, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Eldon R. Rene (2021)“Energy and environment - An introduction” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-12854-5
3. Smitha C K. and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan(2021) “Adsorption of pharmaceuticals pollutants, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, and Streptomycin from the Aqueous Phase using Amine Functionalized Superparamagnetic Silica Nanocomposite”. Journal of Cleaner Production DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3272-8
4. Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Indumathi Ilango, Ganga Gamana, Xuan-Thanh Bui, Arivalagan PugazhendhiI, (2020) “Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles and Peroxymonosulfate System for the removal of ampicillin from aqueous solution”Journal of Water Process Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101823
5. Vrushali V Kadam, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, JagadeeshBabu Ponnan Ettiyappan (2020) “Photocatalytic Degradation of P-Nitrophenol using Biologically Synthesized ZnO Nanoparticles”. Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchDOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10833-w.
6. Vishnu M., Raj Mohan B. (2020) “Batch and Continuous studies on the Removal of Heavy Metals using Biosynthesized Melanin Impregnated Activated Carbon” Environmental Technology & Innovation. DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2020.101085.
7. Vijayanandan, A.S., Raj Mohan, B. (2020) “Photo, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles through Biological Mechanism of Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus nidulans” Applied Physics A, 126, 234. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-020-3395-x
8. Vrushali V Kadam, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan., JagadeeshBabu Ponnan Ettiyappan (2019) “Fluorometric Detection of Bisphenol A using β-cyclodextrin Functionalized ZnO QDs” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-07797-2.
9. Vijayanandan, A.S., Valappil, R.S.K., Raj Mohan, B., (2020). Evaluation of Photothermal Properties for Absorption of Solar Energy by Co3O4 Nanofluids Synthesized using Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Sustain. Energy Techn. 37, 100598 (2020). doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2019.100598
10. Valappil, R.S.K., Vijayanandan, A.S., Raj Mohan, B., (2019). Decolorization of Reactive Blue 220 aqueous solution using fungal synthesized Co3O4 nanoparticles. J Water. Supply Res. T. doi: 10.2166/aqua.2019.086.
11. Vishnu M. Raj Mohan B., Keyur Raval (2019) Adsorptive removal of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic from aqueous solutions using iron and copper impregnated melanin extracted from the marine bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri. Environmental Pollution. DOI.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113576.
12. Vishnu M., Raj Mohan B., Keyur Raval (2019) “Batch and continuous studies on the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution using biosynthesised melanin coated PVDF membranes” Environmental Science and Pollution Research (DOI.10.1007/s11356
13. -019-06310-8)
14. Bui Xuan Thanh, Eldon R Rene, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2019) "Acetaminophen micropollutant: Historical and current occurrences, toxicity, removal strategies and transformation pathways in different environments" Chemosphere (doi.org/10.1016/j. chemosphere.2019.124391)
15. Chandrika Gupta, Uddandarao Priyanka, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan* (2019)Mycosensing of soil contaminants by Ganoderma lucidum andOmphalotus subilludens including the insights on growth media requirement, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (doi.10.1016/j.bcab.2019.101239. 20, July 2019, 101239)
16. Shiljashree Vijay, Uddandarao Priyanka and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan* (2019) "Photocatalytic Degradation of Irgalite Violet Dye using Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles" Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA. 68 (8): 666–674. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2019.039.
17. Uddandarao Priyanka, Tina Arun Hingnekar, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Eldon R Rene, (2019) "Solar assisted photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in the presence of biogenic fluorescent ZnS nanocolloids". Chemosphere (doi.10.1016/j.chemosphere. 2019.05.265)
18. Diksha Sharma, P E JagadeeshBabu, Rakshana D., Raj Mohan Balakrishnan(2019) "One step synthesis of silver nanowires using fructose as a reducing agent and its antibacterial and antioxidant analysis". Mater. Res. Express (doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab170a)
19. Priyanka Uddandarao, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Apoorva Ashok, Sai Swarup, Priti Sinha (2019) “Bioinspired ZnS:Gd nanoparticles synthesized from an endophytic fungi Aspergillus flavus for fluorescence based metal detection”. Journal – Biomimetics (doi.org/10.3390/biomimetics4010011)
20. Vrushali Vinayak Kadam, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, P.E JagadeeshBabu (2019) “Mechanistic insight into the endophytic fungus mediated synthesis of protein capped ZnO nanoparticles” Materials Science & Engineering B. DOI:10.1016/j.mseb. 2019.04.017
21. Kadlimatti H M, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Saidutta M B, (2019) “Bio-oil from Microwave assisted Pyrolysis of Food Waste-Optimization using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy (10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.01.014)
22. Kadlimatti H M, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Saidutta M B, (2019) "Microwave assisted Pyrolysis of Food Waste-Optimization of Fixed Carbon content using Response Surface Methodology", Biofuels. DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2019.1573609
23. Smitha C K. and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan., (2018) “Adsorption of ibuprofen using cysteine modified silane coated magnetic nanomaterial” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3272-8.
24. Gokula Krishnan Sivasundari Arumugam, Diksha Sharma, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, JagadeeshBabu Ponna Ettiyappan (2018) “Extraction, optimization and characterization of collagen from sole fish skin” Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Vol. 9, September 2018, Pages 19-26.
25. Ajuy Sundar Vijayanandan, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, (2018) “Impact of precursor concentration on biological synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles” Data in Brief, Vol. 19, August 2018, Pages 1941-1947
26. Vishnu Manirethan, KeyurRaval, Reju Rajan, Harsha Thaira, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan(2018) “Data on the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by adsorption using melanin nanopigment obtained from marine source: Pseudomonas stutzeri”. Data in Brief, Vol. 20, October 2018, Pages 178-189.
27. Vishnu Manirethan, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Keyur Raval (2018) Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies on the Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution by Melanin Nanopigment obtained from Marine Source: Pseudomonas stutzeri. Journal of Environmental Management (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.02.084.
28. Ajuy Sundar and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2018), Biosynthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles using Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus nidulas. Journal of Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.04.032
29. Gopinath Kalaiarasan and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2018), Source apportionment studies on particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in ambient air of urban Mangalore. Journal of Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.04.032
30. L. Shrutee, Tim Van Geel, Eldon R. Rene, B. Raj Mohan, Abhishek Dutta, (2018) Experimental and Numerical Study of the Hydrodynamics of a Thin Film Reactor(TFR)for the Decarboxylation of Anacardic Acid. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. DOI:10.1515/ijcre-2017-0135.
31. Harsha Thaira, Keyur Raval, Vishnu Manirethan, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2018) Melanin nano-pigments for heavy metal remediation from water. Separation Science and Technology.https://doi.org/10.1080/01496395.2018.1443132
32. Gopinath Kalaiarasan, Adarsh M, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, R J Krupadam. (2017) Characterization and Source Identification of Poly Cyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) for Coastal Industrial City Mangalore, India. International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN 2454-5880. doi.org/10.20319/Mijst. 2017.31.0115
33. Priyanka, U., Raj Mohan, B.(2017). Thermal and optical characterization of biologically synthesized ZnS nanoparticles synthesized from an endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavus: A colorimetric probe in metal detection”. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. Vol. 175, Pages 200–207. (IF = 2.65)
34. Gopinath Kalaiarasan, Raj Mohan B., Neethu A. S., Sivamoorthy M., (2017) Source Apportionment of PM2.5 particles: Influence of outdoor particles on indoor environment of schools using Chemical Mass Balance. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2016.07.0297.
35. Gopinath Kalaiarasan, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Vaishali B Kaparde (2016) Receptor model based source apportionment of PM10 in the metropolitan and industrialized areas of Mangalore” Environmental Technology & Innovation. doi.10.1016/j.eti.2016.10.002.
36. Priyanka, U., Akshay Gowda, K M., Elisha, M G., Surya Teja, B., Nitish, N., Raj Mohan B., (2016). “Biologically synthesized PbS nanoparticles for the detection of Arsenic in water” International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. Vol. 199, Pages 78 – 86. DOI No. 10.1016/j.ibiod. 2016.10.009
37. Priyanka, U., Raj Mohan, B.(2016). ‘’ZnS semiconductor quantum dots production by an endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavus” Materials Science and Engineering: B.207, 26–32. doi.org/10.1016/j.mseb.2016.01.013
38. Roopesh, R., Geedhika, K., Jason, D., S. Anandhan., Udaya Bhat K., Jaya, M. J., Sogra Fathima, B., Raj Mohan, B.(2016). “Optimized microwave-assisted biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from Nothapodytes foetida leaf extracts and its anti-microbial activities”. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. Vol. 11(11), 840 – 852 DOI: 10.1080/17458080. 2016. 1169445
39. Jaya, M.J., Sumit S, Raj Mohan, B.(2015). “Exploring the fungal protein cadre in the biosynthesis of PbSe quantum dots”. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 324, 54 – 61 doi:10.1016/j. jhazmat.2015.12.056
40. Jaya, M.J., Piet, N.L. Lens., Raj Mohan, B. (2015). “Microbial Synthesis of Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanoparticles: A Review.” Microb. Biotechnol. doi/10.1111/1751-7915.12297.
41. Rangabhashiyam S, N. Selvaraju, Raj Mohan B., Muhammed Anzil P. K, Amith K. D, Ushakumary E. R, (2015) "Hydrous cerium oxide nanoparticles impregnated Enteromorpha sp. for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions." Journal of Environmental Engineering. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870. 0000988
42. Chinna Pandi, R., Jaya, M.J. and Raj Mohan, B. (2015). “Selenium biosorption and recovery by marine Aspergillus terreus in an upflow bioreactor.” J. Env. Eng. doi.org/ 10.1061/ (ASCE) EE.1943-7870.0000999.
43. Bipin Kumar and Raj Mohan B. (2015) Microwave Assisted Extraction of Wax from Oily Sludge: An Experimental Study and Its Process Variables Optimization using Response surface methodology. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2015.988780.
44. Jaya Mary Jacob, Akshay Kumar Gowda, Raj Mohan B. (2014) "Insights into the Optical and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Biogenic PbSe Quantum Rods" Journal of Saudi Chemical Society. DOI: 10.1016/j.jscs.2014.10.008.
45. Soubhik K Bardhan, Sogra Fathima B, Pant K, Raj Mohan B. (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Bamboo Charcoal-Silver Composites with high Antibacterial Efficacy. Procedia Material Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.mspro.2014.07.300.
46. Sogra Fathima Musavi, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2014) “Biosynthesis and Optimization of Silver Nanoparticles by Endophytic fungus Fusarium solani”. Materials Letters 132, 428–431. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.06.143.
47. Sogra Fathima B, Siva Kumar M, Raj Mohan B. (2014) “Production and characterization of Melanin from an endophytic fungus Paecilomyces variotii isolated from Nothapodytes foetida”. International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering (Accepted)
48. Jaya Mary Jacob, Raj Mohan B. and Udaya Bhat, (2014) “Biosynthesis of Lead Selenide quantum rods in marine Aspergillus Terreus”. Materials Letters, 124, 279–281. doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2014.03.106
49. Dilna Damodaran, Vidya K. Shetty, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2014). “Studies on the Interaction of Heavy Metals in Multi-metal Biosorption Process by Galerina vittiformis from Soil." Bioremediation Journal. 19:56–68, DOI: 10.1080/10889868.2014.939135
50. Sogra Fathima Musavi, Abhinandan Dhavale, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan. (2014). “Optimization and Kinetic Modelling of Cell Associated Camptothecin production by an endophytic Fusarium oxysporum NFX06.” Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology DOI:10.1080/10826068.2014.907177
51. Sogra Fathima Musavi, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, (2013) “Biodiversity, Antimicrobial potential and Phylogenetic placement of an Endophytic Fusarium oxysporum NFX 06 Isolated from Nothapodytes foetida”. Journal of Mycology. doi.org/10.1155/ 2013/172056.
52. Sogra Fathima Musavi and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, (2013) “Total Phenolics from an Endophytic Fungus Penicilliumsp isolated from Nothapodytesfoetida and its Optimization”, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 5(4); 321-327.
53. B SograFathima, D Abhinandan B Soubhik Kumar and Raj Mohan B., (2013). “Mathematical Modelling of an Endophytic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum NFX06 of Nothapodytes foetida” Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 3(2),23-30.
54. Kamal Kishore Yadav, Sogra Fathima Musavi, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2013). CO2 Sequestration and Growth Characteristics of Euglena Gracilis in a Photo Bioreactor. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. 2(11) 4162 – 4168
55. Jaya Mary Jacob, Soubhik Kumar Bardhan and Raj Mohan B (2013) Selenium and Lead Tolerance in Fungi Isolated from Sea Water. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2(7) 2975 – 2981.
56. Bipin Kumar, Raj Mohan B (2013). Petroleum Oily Sludge and the Prospects of Microwave for Its Remediation. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. 2(11) 359 – 370
57. Sogra Fathima Musavi and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan., (2013). Study on the Antimicrobial Potentials of an Endophytic Fungus Fusariumoxysporum NFX06. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, 3(3), 162 – 166. DOI.10.12720.jomb.3.3.162-166.
58. Dilna Damodaran, Raj Mohan B., Vidya Shetty K, (2013). Uptake of certain heavy metals from contaminated soil by mushroom – Galerina vittiformis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.10.033
59. Dilna Damodaran, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Vidya K. Shetty (2013). The uptake mechanism of Cd (II), Cr (VI), Cu (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II) by mycelia and fruiting Bodies of Galerina vittiformis. BioMed Research International doi.org/10.1155/2013/149120.
60. DilnaDamodaran, Raj Mohan B., Vidya Shetty K., (2013). Effect of Chelaters on bioaccumulation of Cd(II), Cu(II), Cr(VI), Pb(II) and Zn(II) in Galerina vittiformis from soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 85(7), 182 – 188. doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2013.05.031
61. S Suresh, G Vijayalakshmi, Balakrishnan Rajmohan, V Subbaramaiah (2012) Adsorption of benzene vapor onto activated biomass from cashew nut shell: Batch and column study. Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering. 5(2), 116-133.
62. Byeong-Kyu Lee, Raj Mohan B., Seung-HyeokByeon, Kyung-Soo Lim and Eun-Pyo Hong, (2012). Evaluating the performance of a turbulent wet scrubber for scrubbing particulate matter. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 63, 499–506. Doi.org.10.1080/10962247.2012.738626.
63. Pavithra. G. S and Raj Mohan. B, (2012). Studies on CO2 Sequestration and the Effect of CO2 on Production of Pigments and Antioxidants using Pond Algae. International Journal of Biological Science and Engineering, 03 (03), 173 – 176.
64. Seung-HyeokByeon, Byeong-Kyu Lee, Raj Mohan B. (2012) Removal of Ammonia and Particulate Matter Using a Modified Turbulent Wet Scrubbing System. Separation and Purification Technology, 98, 221–229.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2012.07.014.
65. Pavithra G. S., Farhana K., Raj Mohan B., (2012). Comparative Studies on the Total Anti-Oxidant Activity of Certain Plant Species unique to Western Ghats of India. International Journal of Biological Science and Engineering, 03 (02), 111 – 115.
66. Farhana K., Pavithra G S. Raj Mohan B., (2012). Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Antioxidants from Plant species, Determination of the Total Antioxidant Activity and Identification of the extracts using HPLC-MS. International Journal of Biological Science and Engineering, 03 (03), 229-233.
67. Dilna Damodaran, Raj Mohan B., Vidya Shetty K., (2011). Mushrooms in the Remediation of Heavy Metals from Soil. International Journal of Environmental Pollution Control and Management, 3 (1): 89- 101.
68. Raj Mohan. B., Meikap, B. C., (2010). Control of SO2 from Industrial Effluents by Spray-cum-Bubble Column Scrubber. Journal of Applied Science, 10 (24): 3277-3282.
69. S. Kumar, Raj Mohan.B., K. Mohanty, B.C. Meikap(2010) Characterization of activated carbon prepared from tamarind wood for wastewater treatment. International Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2, (1/2/3), 290 - 302.
70. Raj Mohan B., Reddi S. N., Meikap, B. C., 2010. Scrubbing of Sulfur Dioxide in Spray Column with Internals. International Journal of Environmental Waste Management (Accepted).
71. Mohanty, C.R., Raj Mohan B., Meikap B.C. 2010. Identification of stable operating ranges of a counter-current multistage fluidized bed reactor with downcomer. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 49 (1), 104-112. Doi:10.1016/ j.cep.2009.11.015
72. Raj Mohan. B., Meikap, B. C., 2009. Performance studies of the particulate scrubbing in a novel spray-cum-bubble column scrubber. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87 (1), 109-118.
73. Raj Mohan, B., Reddi S. N., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Removal of SO2 from industrial effluents by a novel twin fluid air-assist atomized spray scrubber. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (20) 7833 – 7840.
74. Raj Mohan, B., Biswas, S., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Performance characteristics of the particulates scrubbing in a counter-current spray-column. Separation and Purification Technology, 61 (1), 96 – 102.
75. Raj Mohan, B., Biswas, S., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Hydrodynamics Characterization of a Counter Current Spray Column for Particulate Scrubbing from Flue Gases. Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 3(5) 544 – 549.
76. Raj Mohan, B., Reddi S. N., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Studies on removal of Sulfur-dioxide gas from Industrial Effluents by Spray Scrubbing. International Journal of Environmental Pollution Control & Management (In Press).
77. Raj Mohan, B.,Jain, R, N., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Comprehensive Analysis for Prediction of Dust Removal Efficiency Using Twin-Fluid Atomization in a Spray Scrubber. Separation and Purification Technology, 63(2) 269 – 277.
78. Biswas, A., Raj Mohan, B., Mohanty, C. R., Meikap, B. C., 2008 Characterization of a High Efficiency Pilot Plant Wet Scrubber with Internals for Fly Ash Removal. The Open Chemical Engineering Journal, 2, 100-105.
79. Jha A., Raj Mohan B., S. Chakraborty, Meikap, B. C., 2008. Studies of Gas Hold in Bubble Column Using Porous Spargers with additives. Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3 (4) 417 – 424.
80. Singh, C. K., Sahu, J. N., Mahalik, K. K., Mohanty, C. R., Raj Mohan, B., Meikap, B. C., Studies on the removal of Pb(II) from wastewater by activated carbon developed from Tamarind wood activated with sulphuric acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 153(1-2) (2008), 221-228
81. Dwivedi, C. P., Sahu, J. N., Mohanty, C. R., Raj Mohan, B., Meikap, B. C., 2008. Column performance of granular activated carbon packed bed for Pb(II) removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 156 (1-3) 596-603.
82. Raj Mohan, B., Biswas, S., Mohanty, C. R., Meikap, B. C., 2007. Control of air pollutants by a gas-liquid contacting tower. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Sciences, 5(4), 1665 – 1677.
83. Raj Mohan, B.,Biswas, S., Mohanty, C. R., Meikap, B. C., 2006. Simultaneous Control of Gaseous and Dust Air Pollutants by - A Gas-Liquid Contacting Tower. Process and Plant Engineering, 35 (2), 29 – 34.
84. Elankumaran, R., Raj Mohan, B., Madhyastha, M. N., (2003). Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water by Aquatic Plants Asian Environmental Technology, 7(4)
(B) Conferences attended
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Vrushali V K., (2020) “Biological Synthesis of Metal Selenide Nanoparticles and their Applications” 7th International conference on Research Frontiers in Chalcogen Cycle Science & Technology, December 10-11, 2020, National University Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Ganga Gamana, Xuan-Thanh Bui, Hong-Hai Nguyen (2019) “Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles and Peroxymonosulfate System for the effective Removal of Ampicillin from Aqueous Solution” December 1 – 5, 2019, GTSW2019 conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Thara Rathana, P.E. JagadeeshBabu*, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan Visible Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Hexavalent Chromium using TiO2-WO3 Photocatalyst” December 1 – 5, 2019, GTSW 2019 conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Vishnu Manirethana, Keyur Ravala, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan*, Himanshu Ojha (2019) “Static and dynamic studies on the removal of heavy metals using biosynthesized melanin impregnated activated carbon”. December 1 – 5, 2019, GTSW2019 conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishan, Vishnu Manirathinam (2018) “Batch and continuous studies on the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution using melanin coated PVDF discs”, 11th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2018, November 4 – 8, 2018, 4-8 November 2018 The Sukosol Hotel Bangkok Thailand.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Giftymol Varghese (2018) “Photocatalytic degradation of paracetamol using functionalized NiFe2O4 nanoparticles” 11th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2018, November 4 – 8, 2018, 4-8 November 2018 The Sukosol Hotel Bangkok Thailand.
- Priyanka Uddandarao, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Anurag, Yenduri Bhanu Yashwant, “Studies on Photocatalytic degradation of methyl violet dye using ZnS nanocolloids and the influence of metal ions”,11th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2018, November 4 – 8, 2018, 4-8 November 2018 The Sukosol Hotel Bangkok Thailand.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Priyanka Uddandarao, Seenivasaperumal Alagarsamy (2018) “Studies on microbial synthesis of ZnS nanocolloids in a stirred tank reactor”, 11th International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2018, November 4 – 8, 2018, 4-8 November 2018 The Sukosol Hotel Bangkok Thailand.
- Shiljashree Vijay, Smitha C K, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, (2017) “Adsorption studies of nickel ferrite nanoparticles for removal of Irgalite violet dye from aqueous solutions” International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2017. 11-15 November, Kunming, China
- Smitha C K, Shiljashree Vijay, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2017) “Adsorption of Ibuprofen by Silane coated Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles” International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2017. 11-15 November, Kunming, China
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Seenivasaperumal Alagarsamy, Smitha C K (2017) “Biosynthesis of Nickelferrite Nanoparticles via an Endophytic Fungus Lasiodiplodia theobromae Isolated from Plectranthus amboinicus” International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering CESE-2017. 11-15 November 2017, Kunming, China
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Smitha C K (2017) “Triethanolamine and Oleic Acid Assisted Synthesis of Nickel Ferrite Magnetic Nanoparticles for degradation of pollutants in aqueous systems” The 5th International Symposium On Environmental Analytical Chemistry (ISEAC 5 – ASIA) May 16 – 20, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
- AjuySundar V.V and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2016), “Biosynthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Using Endophytic Fungus” G-16-Asian: 5th International conference, 19-21 December, Goa, India.
- Laurens Van Hove, Priyanka Uddandarao, Bram Verbinnen, Jo Van Caneghem, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Abhishek Dutta (2016), “Biosorption of selenium (IV) by Chlorella vulgaris using a column reactor. G-16-Asian: 5th International conference, 19-21 December, Goa, India.
- Priyanka Uddandaro, Tina Arun Hingnekar and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2016), “Solar Photocatalysis of Methyl Violet Dye Using Biological ZnS Nanoparticles Synthesized from an Endophytic Fungi Aspergillus Flavus. G-16-Asian: 5th International conference, 19-21 December, Goa, India.
- Vishnu Manirethan, Keyur Raval and Raj Mohan Balakrishnan (2016), “Tetravalent Selenium Removal from Aqueous Solutions using Biosynthesized Melanin Coated PVDF Membrane”. G-16-Asian: 5th International conference, 19-21 December, Goa, India.
- Smitha C K and Raj Mohan B (2016), “Se Doped Fe2O3 Nanoparticles for The Adsorptive Removal of Cr(VI)”. G-16-Asian: 5th International conference, 19-21 December, Goa, India.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Jaya Mary Jacob (2015) “Optimizing The Fluorescence of Biogenic PbSe Quantum Particles for The Efficient Cadmium (Cd2+) Ion Sensing In Solution” 4th International Conference on Research Frontiers in Chalcogen Cycle Science & Technology” May 28th – 29th, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Jaya Mary Jacob, Soubhik Kumar Bardhan, P E JagadeeshBabu, and Aruna M (2013) “Selenium and Lead Tolerance in Marine Aspergillus Terreus for Biosynthesis of Nano Particles – Quantum Dots” International Conference on Civil, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Bangkok (Thailand), International Institute of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Nov. 21-22, 2013.
- Fathima S., Krishnakumar A. J., Raj Mohan Balakrishnan., (2012) “Studies on the Production of Camptothecin from an Endophytic Fungus Fusarium Sp. 2nd International Engineering Symposium-IES 2012 (KU-MIT-NITK Joint Symposium) March 5-7 2012 Kumamoto University, Japan
- Rajashekar S., Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and S. Anandhan (2012) “Ball Milling of Fly Ash in Presence of a Surfactant Obtained from Renewable Resource Material. RDEIA- IACM 2012 on March 28-30, 2012
- Dilna Damodaran, Vidya Shetty K, Raj Mohan. B., (2012). “Remediation of Heavy Metals Like Cu2+, Cd2+, Cr6+, Pb2+ And Zn2+ From Soil Using Macro Fungi”. RDEIA- IACM 2012 on March 28-30, 2012
- Madhushree K.R., Dilna Damodaran P.V., Raj Mohan B., Byeong-Kyu Lee. Biosorption of Heavy Metals like (Cd, Zn, Cr) from Contaminated Water by Trichoderma sp. RDEIA- IACM 2012 on March 28-30, 2012
- Nanasaheb Patil and Raj Mohan B., (2012). “Utilization of Waste from Cashew Nut Industry by Process Intensification”. RDEIA- IACM 2012 on March 28-30, 2012
- Raj Mohan B. and B. C. Meikap (2012). “Simultaneous Removal of Sulphur Dioxide and Particulate Matter in A Novel Spray-Cum-Bubble Column Scrubber” RDEIA- IACM 2012 on March 28-30, 2012
- Deepa D. T., Deepti S. K., Raj Mohan B., Byeong-Kyu Lee. (2011) “Adsorption of VOCs (Benzene Vapor) on activated carbon from Anacardium Occidantale seed husk in packed bed column” 53rd International Conference of KOSAE, 27th to 29th October, 2011, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea
- Pavithra G. S., Raj Mohan B. (2011) “Microalgae - A Potential Fresh Water Microbial Agent for CO2 Sequestration and Lipid Production” 53rd International Conference of KOSAE, 27th to 29th October, 2011, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea.
- Vani Daptardar., Raj Mohan B., Kandasamy Adiyapadam., (2011) “Simulation Studies on VOCs Adsorption by Activated Carbon via Anacardium occidentale Seed Husk in Packed Bed Column” 53rd International Conference of KOSAE, 27th to 29th October, 2011, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea.
- Dilna D, Sureshkumar G., Raj Mohan B., (2011) “Bioremediation of Soil by Removing Heavy Metals Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae” ICEST 2011, 26-28, February 2011, Singapore.
- Vijayakumar S., Raj Mohan B., (2005) “Removal of Color from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption on Cashew Nut Shell Waste” Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, SARDINIA 2005, Italy
- Saidulu B., Raj Mohan B., (2005) “Adsorption of Cadmium Metal Cation from Aqueous Solutions by Cashew Nut shell waste” Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, SARDINIA 2005, Italy
National Level Conferences:
1. Raj Mohan B.,B C Meikap (2007) “Control of Air Pollutants by Gas Liquid Contacting Towers”. National Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Dec12 – 14, 2007
2. Raj Mohan B., B C Meikap (2007) “Enhancement of Gas Hold-up Characteristics of a Gas-Liquid Contactor for Uniform Bubble Generation by Brick Material Sparger Using Frothers”National Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Dec12 – 14, 2007
3. Bipin Kumar and Raj Mohan B (2013) “Petroleum Refinery Oily Sludge: The Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of its Composition” Indian Streams Research Journal 3(10) 1- 6.
Advisory Board:
1. Advisory board member for Asian Journal for Atmospheric Environment
2. Scientific Advisory member in Green Technologies for Sustainable Water (GTSW) 2019, December 1 - 5, 2019”. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Books Published:
- Contributed a book chapter (Chapter -11) titled Biological Synthesis of Metal Selenide Nanoparticles and their Applications“ IWA Publishers Authors: Raj Mohan Balakrishnan and Vrushali Vinayak Kadam (In Press)
- Contributed a book chapter (Chapter -2) A Perspective of advanced biosensors for environmental monitoring in book Tools, Techniques and Protocols for Monitoring Environmental Contaminants, 2019, Pages 19-51 (Elsevier Publishers) Authors: Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Uddandarao Priyanka, Keyur Raval and Ritu Raval. doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814679-8.00002-9.
- “Spray – cum –Bubble Column Scrubber for gaseous effluents from industries” by Dr. Raj Mohan B. & Dr. B. C. Meikap VDM Publications, Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Contributed a chapter in Handbook of Metal-Microbe Interactions and Bioremediation, by Dr. Raj Mohan B., Dr. Jaya Mary Jacob & Dr. Dhilna Damodharan CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2017)
- Select Proceedings of ICACE 2015 “Materials, Energy and Environment Engineering” Editors: Raj Mohan B., G. Srinikethan, Bhim Charan Meikap (Elsevier Publishers).
Guidance of Ph.Ds Awarded:
- Mycoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil using Mushrooms (2014) by Dr. Dhilna D.
- Studies on Isolated Endophytic Fungi from Nothapodytes foetida for Production of Camptothecin and other Products of Certain Biotechnological Interest” (2015) by Dr. Sogra Fathima B
- Biosynthesis of Lead Selenide Semiconductor Nanoparticles by Marine Fungus Aspergillus Terrus (2016). Dr. Jaya Mary Jacob
- Studies on Particulate Matter in Ambient Air of Mangalore Region (2018) by Dr. Gopinath K
- Biosynthesis of Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) Quantum Dots via Endophytic Fungi Aspergillus flavus for degradation of organic pollutants (2019) by Dr. U. Priyanka
- Heavy Metals Removal by Adsorption on Melanin Coated Polymer Matrix” (2019) by Dr. Vishnu Manirethan (Co-Guide)
- Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis of Food Waste to Biochar and Biofuels (2020) by Dr. Huchappa Kadlimatti
- Evaluation of Photothermal and RB220 Dye Decolorization Potential of Biosynthesized Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles from an Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus nidulans (2020) by Dr. V Ajuy Sundar
Sponsored Projects Undertaken
Sponsoring Agency |
Title of project |
Period |
Co-investigators |
Design and Development of Affinity Based Sensors for the detection of radiological compounds in point of CBRM emergencies using ZnO NPs functionalized by Amidoxine and Mugenic acid” (LSRB/81/48222/LSRB-361/SH&DD/2020) |
3 yrs |
Dr. JagadeeshBabu P E |
Synthesis of β-cyclodextrin nickel ferrite nanoparticles for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds from aqueous systems (2018) |
3 yrs |
Particulate Matter Analysis and Monitoring for Urban Region of Mangalore (2014) |
2yrs |
Prof. Srinikethan G |
Electrochemical Deposition of CZTS for solar Cell Applications (2014) |
3 yrs |
Dr. S. Noyel Victoria (PI) |
One step CZTS Nano ink Synthesis by Sonochemical Route for Bifacial Solar Cell Applications (2014) |
3yrs |
Dr. S. Noyel Victoria (PI) |
Studies on removal of VOCs and NO by activated carbon from Anacardium occidentale seed husk in packed bed column (2010) |
3 yrs |
Heavy Metal Removal by Melanin Coated Polymer Matrix (2015) |
3yrs |
Dr. Keyur Raval (PI) |
CSE India |
Green Rating Survey of Paper Mills in Karnataka (2003) |
1yr |
CSE India |
Green Rating Survey of Cement Industries in Andhra Pradesh (2004) |
1yr |
Mr. S V Mahesh Mr. R Sujit |
Awards and Recognition:
- Recipient of Award for Research Publication (2019 - 2020) by Vision Group on Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, GoK.
- Recipient of Netherlands Fellowship Program award (NFP-nuffic) for Short Term Program on Industrial Resource Management and Cleaner Production between 8th - 26thFebruary2016offered by UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands
- Recipient of Netherlands Fellowship Program award (NFP-nuffic) for Short Term Program on Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment between 31st March to 11thApril 2014 offered by UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands.
- Recipient of Young Scientist Awardfrom Department of Science and Technology under SERC Fast Track Scheme 2010- 2013.
- Visiting Scientistto AERL, Department of Civil and Environmental Sciences, University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea.
- Regional Volunteer of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh for Centre for Science and Environment and participated in their Green Rating Programme during 2004 and 2005
Served as Member in various committees in Govt. / Pvt. Organizations
- Member Board of Studies Department of Ceramic and Cement Technology-PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka
- Member in Faculty recruitment committee for Chemical Engg. Discipline at MNIT, Jaipur 2019
- Expert Committee Member for AICTE accreditation to colleges / universities in North West Region of India (2019)
- Expert Member of CPCB audit committee to Goa State Pollution Control Board (NGT directions) 22nd May 2019
- Member in Board of Studies (BOS) of Chemical Engineering Department, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudhupati, Perundurai, Erode.
- Board of Studies (BOS) member for PDA College of Engineering, Gulburga
- Member of technical evaluation committee of Kerala State Council for Science and Technology (2019).
- Host Scientist for the ASEAN- India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF) and Research Training Fellowship- Developing Countries Scientist (RTF- DCS) programme
- Development of Clay-Based Metal Nano-composites from Locally Available Substrates: Applicable for Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes from Textile Wastewater by Mr. Mekonen Maschal Terekegn from Adis Ababba University, Ethiopia during June to November 2019 (6 months 3.4 Lakhs)
- Developing Innovative Microfluidic Paper Based Analytical Devices (μ -Pads): Viable Solution for Environmental Monitoring - Mr. Gizachew Wendimu from Adis Ababba University, Ethiopia during February to August 2020 (6 months 3.4 Lakhs)
Workshops/ Conferences:
1. Co-Coordinator of State Disaster Response Team – 2021 Training for Indian Red Cross Society Karnataka between 19th to 20th March 2021
2. Coordinator.for a two-day workshop on “Chemical and Oil Spill Management” 7th-8th February 2020
3. Conference Chair and Technical Committee Expert Green Technologies for Sustainable Water 2019 Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam December 1 – 5, 2019.
4. Coordinatorfor a one-day workshop on “Disaster Management in Chemical Process Industrial Complexes” 17th November 2018.
5. Co-Chair/ Convener for G-16 Asian, “5th International Conference on Research Frontiers in Chalcogen Cycle Science & Technology” between 19 – 21, December 2016”, at ICG, Dona Paula, Goa.
6. Organizing Secretaryfor International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering 2015 and Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Chemical Engineering Department (ICACE 2015) at NITK Surathkal.
7. Coordinatorfor a 4-day workshop on Recent Challenges in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences during 17- 20 December 2014 at NITK Surathkal.
8. Coordinatorfor a three-day workshop on “Recent Trends in Monitoring, Control and Abatement of Air Pollution” during 26th Dec 2012 to 28th December 2012Workshops/ Conferences
Expert Lectures Delivered:
- Delivered talk on “Sustainable Development and Gender Equity” at Father Muller College of Nursing, Kankanady, Mangalore 575002 on 30th March 2021
- Delivered a lecture on “Particulate Matter and its Impact on Climate Change” in a one week online short-term training programme at BLDEA’s VP Dr.P G Halakatti College of Engineering, Vijayapur, Karnataka between 21 to 26, December 2020.
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Pathogens Detection using Nanocomposites” in the 4th Annual Meeting of international Association of Zoologists & International Virtual Seminar on Recent trends in Life Sciences and Biotechnology, held between 12th to 14th December 2020 at MAHARISHI MARKANDESHWAR (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY) MULLANA, AMBALA-133207.
- Webinar on “Green Technology for Sustainable Development” in Department of Biotechnology SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram on 01st May 2020
- Delivered a talk on “Challenges in Green Technology Entrepreneurship” in a Faculty Development Programme at Department of Chemical Engineering at MNIT Jaipur on 06th January 2020
- Delivered a talk on “Marine Pollution and Some Innovative Solutions” in a 3-day workshop on INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEAN UP DAYICC between 19-21 SEP 2019 at Indian Coast Guards, Headquarters, No. 3 Coast Guard Dist (Ktk) PB No 19, Panambur, Mangalore - 575010
- Delivered a talk on “Recent Techniques in handling Industrial Disasters" in Disaster Management Workshop on Safety Aspects of Storage, Handling and Transportation of Petroleum Products on 5th June 2019 at Center for Disaster Management, MNIT Jaipur -
- Delivered a talk on “Plastic Waste Management – Recent Innovation Technologies” in one week programme on Swachhta Pakhwada Week at MCF Mangalore between 16 to 30 June, 2019
- Delivered a talk on “Petroleum Disaster Potential of Mangalore Region: An Overview" in 18th Annual National HSE Workshop on 30th January 2019 at GAIL Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Delivered a talk on "Nanomaterials and their Application in Environment for Pollutants Sensing and Removal by Adsorption Process" in the STTP programme on Theory and Applications of Adsorption Processes -TAAP 2016 at NIT Calicut.
- Delivered a talk on “Nanomaterial for Environmental Applications” in a TEQIP sponsored STTP programme titled Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment during June 13 – 18, 2016 at NIT Trichy.
- Delivered a talk on “Biosorption Process for Removal and Recovery of Metals/ Metalloids” FDP on at Novel Separation Technologies funded by TEQIP from June 14 – 19, 2015 at NIT Calicut.
- Delivered a talk on “Application of Optimization in chemical process industries”a TEQIP-II sponsored Two-day National Workshop on Advanced Optimization Techniques in Chemical Process Industries during April, 18 & 19, 2015
- Delivered a talk on “Biogenesis of Chalcogenide Quantum Dots/Rods in Marine Fungus”in an Indo – UK seminar on Molecular Imprinting: Strategies, Applications and Future Perspectives” to be organized at CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur on February 5 – 7, 2014
- Delivered a talk on talk on "Wet Scrubbers for Removing Particulate Matter from Small Scale Industrial Gaseous Effluents" TEQIP sponsored workshop on "Energy & Environment" during 27-28, July 2013
- Delivered a talk on “Particulate Matter and Some Recent Scrubbers for Small Scale Industries” in aFDP programme on Recent Research Trends in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (RRTCEE 2013) during May 27-31, 2013 at National institute of Technology Calicut.
Administrative Responsibilities:
Liaison Officer: 2010 – 2013
Founder organizer of certain welfare programmes for Weak Students (SC/ST/PWD) at NITK Surathkal
- Self-Enrichment Programme for first year students of both UG and PG (2011 onwards)
- Professional Skill Enhancement Programme for Pre-Final Year Students (2011 onwards)
- Women Enterprising Skill Training Programme (2013)
Head of Chemical Engineering Department (2015 – 2017 ):
- Coordinator of a two days national level seminar on “Inclusive green growth, institutional innovations, environmental policy and Implications for employment generation with special reference to Dakshina Kannada” 22 & 23 April 2016 Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal & Besant Evening College, Mangaluru in association with Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), Mangalore
- Coordinator of aOne Day Workshop on “E-Waste Management” 26th August 2016 Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, NITK Surathkal & Karnataka State Pollution Control Board
- Three PG programmes (M.Tech Chemical Plant Design, M.Tech Industrial Pollution Control and M.Tech Industrial Biotechnology) were evaluated by National Board of Accreditation team and two programmes got accredited for 5yrs and one result is awaited:
Coordinator, Centre of Excellence for Disaster Risk Reduction, NITK Surathkal (June 2018 – till date)
- Member of COVID TASK FORCE, Dakshina Kannada District, Mangalore, Karnataka
- Coordinatorfor a two-day workshop on “Chemical and Oil Spill Management” 7th- 8th February 2020
- Coordinatorfor a one-day workshop on “Disaster Management in Chemical Process Industrial Complexes” 17th November 2018
- Facilitated to sign an MoU between NITK Surathkal and NIDM, New Delhi on 17th November 2018
- Filed a patent on “Method, System and Apparatus for Arsenic Removal from Water using Functionalized Melanin” TEMP/E-1/51794/2018-CHE (Defended – Result Awaited)
- Filed a patent on “Removal of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water by Adsorption using Melanin Bound Activated Carbon” TEMP/E-1/48394/2017-CHE (Granted)
- Filed a patent on “A Thin Film Reactor for Obtaining Cardanol” Ref No: 6277/CHE/2015A (FER Submitted)
I hereby declare that the above furnished information by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date : 09/05/2021 Sd/-
Place : Surathkal RAJ MOHAN B.